Since 1978, QSM has led
the industry in software estimation, project tracking and
control, and software metrics analysis. The following is a summary
of major events in the QSM timeline:

1978: Larry Putnam
forms Quantitative Software Management. Larry’s
pioneering research results in the SLIM® Methodology
(a coherent set of equations and processes to estimate software
development projects). Parts of the SLIM Methodology
are found in most popular commercial estimation tools today.
1979: QSM introduces a mainframe
timesharing version of SLIM-Estimate:
the first tool to introduce and use Monte
Carlo simulation to perform risk analysis
and linear programming for optimized resource planning.
1980: QSM introduces the first standalone
desktop software estimation tool (Hewlett Packard 80 series).
Innovation in this re-engineered version included graphical outputs
and a module that allowed customers to collect
and calibrate estimates with their own historical
1982: QSM delivers SLIM-Estimate
on the IBM PC platform. The Rayleigh Defect
prediction model makes its debut in this release.
1983: QSM delivers PCubed:
a scaled down version of SLIM-Estimate for 1-
to 3-person projects.
1986: QSM delivers Size Planner:
a tool for size estimation. Recognizing that size estimation
is one of the most difficult challenges of software management,
QSM introduces 5 independent approaches that can
be averaged to develop more confidence in the size estimate.
QSM is the first tool supplier to offer this capability to the
1989: QSM introduces SLIM-Control.
QSM is the first tool supplier to offer a project tracking
and forecasting tool to go with their estimation
and planning tool. Innovative capabilities include statistical
process control bounds for plan vs. actual comparisons
and curve fit forecasting of actual performance
data to determine likely completion dates and budgets.
1992: QSM releases SLIM-Estimate
for Windows. This version of SLIM-Estimate is a total re-engineering
for the Windows GUI environment. Innovative Features include graphical
control gauges, dynamic risk gauges and
multiple estimation views. Industry data and trends
provide a sanity check for the estimates.
1994: QSM Introduces SLIM-Metrics: another
first in the software measurement industry. A powerful project
repository, it provides query and analysis tools to
compare projects
and assess process improvements. Innovations include industry
benchmark curve fits, customizable screen components
and multiple data set comparisons.
1996: QSM delivers a major upgrade
to SLIM-Control.
1998: QSM introduces SLIM-MasterPlan:
an enterprise project aggregation tool. SLIM-MasterPlan is the
tool that allows estimators to aggregate estimates
of multiple product lines and multiple
releases to see the “big picture”.
Innovative features allow graphical shifting of resources to
plans or reallocation of resources.
2001: QSM Releases SLIM-Suite:
an integrated set of estimation,
tracking, and benchmarking tools
covering all aspects of the software lifecycle.
2001: QSM Introduces Estimate
Express: a comprehensive, yet affordable
software project estimation solution designed for smaller
companies or project managers with smaller projects.
2003: QSM delivers the SLIM-Suite
6.0. Over 40 new and improved
features across the entire tool suite make this the premier
software estimation product on the market.
2005: …SLIM-Suite 6.1 is released. The enhanced tool suite features an API to allow seamless integration of SLIM products with other popular project management tools and user-friendly Work Breakdown Structure screens to model effort and cost at the skill category and task level.
2006: QSM publishes the QSM IT Software Almanac, over 100 pages of in depth analysis drawn from QSM's world class database of software projects. SLIM-Suites 6.2 and 6.3 are released, bringing improved import/export integration with Microsoft Project and additional features to the SLIM Suite API, and the 2006 Users Conferences in the US and Europe give SLIM users the chance to share success stories and get a glimpse of the upcoming features of SLIM Suite 7.0.