SLIM-Metrics for Software Benchmarking

SLIM gives you the power to benchmark your organization against the industry’s top performers.

Benchmarking and Baselining for Process Improvement

Do you know how your software development teams are performing against their peers? Can you measure the benefits of new processes, methodologies or tools? Can you use historical performance trends to support new project planning initiatives?

QSM’s SLIM-Metrics helps with all your software project performance baselining and benchmarking needs.

SLIM-Metrics works with our SLIM-DataManager data repository tool to help you preserve software project histories, assess competitive positions, identify bottlenecks, quantify the benefits of process improvements, and defend future project estimates.

Benchmark your data against industry reference trends from the QSM database of over 13,000 completed software projects—or create your own benchmark trends to use in SLIM-Metrics, SLIM-Estimate, or SLIM-Control.

SLIM-Metrics Benefits

Analyze software projects once they are completed

See which projects need improvement and which are leading the pack

Capture history and create custom metrics for your organization

Create custom trendlines, queries, and views to analyze your software projects

Show your project return on investment and provide a better understanding of organizational capabilities

Create and compare data subsets

Create unlimited charting/report views

Use current industry benchmarks

Employ statistical analysis tools

View details for any data point

Add custom notes and other features

Produce superb graphs and tables

Export data easily

SLIM-Metrics Screenshots

    Click images to enlarge

Return on Investment

View the Demo

This demo gives you an overview of QSM's SLIM-Collaborate tool.

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