

Gearing Factor Not Listed in Function Point Languages Table


I need a gearing factor for a language not listed on the Function Point Languages Table.  Is this information available from QSM?  What are my options if QSM does not have this information?

Although the Function Point Languages Table is fairly extensive, we do not always have enough information to provide gearing factors for every language. Before we can use a completed project in our Gearing Factors table, certain conditions must be satisified:

Taxonomy upgrade extras 

Purpose of Gearing Factors in SLIM-Estimate


What is the purpose of the gearing factor?

Gearing factors are used to convert projects with many different sizing units (objects, modules, or use cases for example) back to a common sizing unit: the Basic Work Unit. The Basic Work Unit represents the smallest sizing unit that is common to all projects.

Taxonomy upgrade extras 
SLIM-Estimate Sizing