Metrics Articles


Familiar Metric Management: Software Adds Business Value

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Precise prediction is very difficult.  Long ago, when FORTRAN and COBOL were still the new kids on the block, Ware wrote a science-fiction short story called “The Last Programmer.” That estimable gentleman had become the “last programmer” at his research institution and was being retired early with a gold watch.  The retirement time was set for 1984, a then-future date popularized by George Orwell’s 1949 novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four.  The assumption was that by 1984 the scientists and engineers would be working directly with the computers.&

Familiar Metric Management: Time Boxing

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“That phrase, time boxing, has a fine manly ring to it,” the vice president said, grinning broadly. “I like it.”

“What does it mean to you,” we inquired.

“First you box in the development time you allow a project to have,” he answered.

“No more shilly-shallying around. You draw a box on the time line, like this (Figure 1). The project people know they have to deliver at the end of the box.”