Software Estimation Best Practices

2011 IT Maintenance and Offshoring Survey


QSM  invites developers of financial services and Business/IT applications to participate in their 2011 IT Maintenance and Offshoring Survey. Software development organizations are always curious about how they stack up against the industry. With your help, we hope to provide insight into how major software developers budget, staff, and measure their maintenance and offshore development. Key analysis areas include:

  • How much do IT shops typically spend on application maintenance vs. new development/enhancements?
  • What project types and skills are most likely to be offshored?
  • How does offshore development stack up in terms of productivity and quality?
  • What are the challenges and constraints of the offshore development environment?

At the conclusion of the survey, participants will receive an electronic copy of the QSM IT Almanac and a free industry summary report that analyzes typical development vs. maintenance budgets and offshore spending and resource mixes by software function, platform, and skill.

Who should complete the survey?
This survey is primarily focused on major financial services software firms, but IT systems developers are also welcome to participate.

Survey Timeline
The survey will begin Monday, April 18th and close on Friday, April 29th, 2011.

Why should your firm participate?
Participants who complete Part I and/or Part II of the survey will  receive a complimentary copy of the survey results and a copy of the QSM IT Almanac.  and be eligible to win an Apple iPad 2 ($499 value).

What information will we need?
To ensure a pleasant and successful survey experience, QSM will provide a printable copy of the survey questions and a list of requested metrics to qualifying organizations. To request these documents or set up a one-on-one survey walkthrough with a QSM representative, please contact Kate Armel.

Individual survey responses will be held in the strictest confidence. To receive your free summary report andcopy of the QSM IT Almanac and be eligible to win an iPad2, take the survey today!


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Surveys Offshoring