How To

How To

Setting Phase Start Dates


How do I set Phase Start dates?

Phase start dates, duration, and effort settings are used to configure the lifecycle model to your development methods and practices.  Select Estimate | Solution Assumptions from the main menu, then select the Phase Tuning tab.  The start date for the first phase included in the project is the project start date specified on the Solution Assumptions Basic Info tab or via Solution Wizards.

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How Do I Tune My Defect Category Percentages in SLIM-Control?

There's a good fit between my total defect data and the plan but in the defects by category charts, the defect actuals for each category aren't tracking the plan very well. How can I fix this?

Chances are your defect category percentages need to be adjusted. To tune these percentages using your actual data, create a Multi-Metric Time Series Chart and insert a QSM Tracked Defects Category Total (Actual) metric for each defect category you're tracking:

Finding the Defect Tuning Factor When the Plan is Inconsistent with Project Actuals


My current plan is extremely inconsistent with my actual data. For instance, the project started a year late and has already slipped by almost 15 months.  Using my original plan, the actual defect data yields a defect tuning factor of 2000% when I run the Defect Tuning Calculator function. 

Is the plan being factored into the defect tuning calculations? If so, can significant variation between the plan and the actuals result in an incorrect tuning factor?

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Poor Curve Fit to Actual Defect Data


I sometimes get poor defect curve fits when running a forecast.  What can I do to improve this?

Getting a good curve fit is important - the poorer the fit, the less confidence you will have in the projected new time for that set of data. The goodness of fit is particularly important during the latter stages of Phase 3 because defect data is weighted more heavily at that time. There are two things you can do to improve your defect curve fits:

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