Kate Armel's blog

Kate Armel's blog

Has Software Productivity Declined Over Time?

Peter Hill of ISBGS poses an interesting question:

Has software productivity improved over the last 15 years? What do you think? Perhaps it doesn't matter as long as quality (as in defect rate) as improved?

Two widely used productivity measures are Function Points/Person Month and QSM's PI (or productivity index). To answer Peter's question, I took a quick look at 1000 medium and high confidence business systems completed between 1996 and 2011. Here's what I found:

Productivity over time chart

Whether we look at PI or FP/PM, the story's the same - on average, productivity has actually decreased over time.  What could be causing this? One possible explanation is the correlation between measured productivity and the volume of delivered functionality. As the next chart shows, regardless of the metric used average productivity increases with project size:

Chart of productivity vs. size


Which led me to wonder: what has happened to average project size over time? Again, regardless of whether the delivered functionality was measured in SLOC or Function Points, the story was the same: projects are getting smaller.

Chart of project size over time


Peter's question is a good example of why we often need more than one metric to interpret the data. More on that topic coming up shortly!


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Productivity Software Mythbusters

Technology Can Only Do So Much

It’s hard to believe it’s been 36 years since an IBM manager named Fred Brooks came out with his seminal insights about software development, the most famous of which ("adding more people to a late software project makes it later") came to be known as Brooks’ Law. These days, most software professionals accept and appreciate Brooks’ analysis, yet we continue to make the very mistakes that prompted him to write The Mythical Man Month!

Which leads to an interesting question: armed with such a clear and compelling argument against piling on staff at the last minute, why do we repeatedly employ a strategy that not only fails to achieve the hoped-for schedule reductions but often results in buggy, unreliable software?

The most likely answer combines schedule pressure with the human tendency to over-optimism. Basing plans on hope rather than experience is encouraged by a constant parade of new tools and methods. Faced with the pressure to win business, please customers and maintain market share, is it really surprising that new  technologies tempt us to discount the past and hope that – if we use this tool, this team, this methodology - this project will be different?

How can software developers counter the human tendency to fall for overly optimistic estimates and unachievable schedules?

What's needed is perspective: the kind of perspective that comes from honestly examining - and reminding ourselves - how things have worked in the past. In a paper called, “Technology Can Only Do So Much”, I look at the human and technological factors that trip up so many software projects.  Good historical data provides a sound empirical baseline, against which both conventional wisdom and future plans can be assessed.


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Metrics Team Size Estimation

Estimating Agile Projects Webinar

On Thursday, September 30th at 1 pm EDT, QSM will host a Webinar on Agile Estimation Methods.

You can view the replay of this webinar here.

Agile has become a popular development methodology in software and systems development in recent years, but how do we tailor our estimation processes to this new methodology? Traditional methods do not apply in terms of project sizing and planning. How can we find an accurate point of comparison with industry trends? Presented by industry veteran Larry Putnam, Jr., QSM takes you through the basic steps on how to customize the estimation process to Agile.

Lawrence H. Putnam, Jr., Co-Chief Executive Officer of QSM, has 21 years of experience using the Putnam-SLIM Methodology. He has participated in more than 80 estimation and oversight service engagements, and is responsible for product management of the SLIM-Suite of measurement tools and customer care programs. Larry is a member of and active participant in numerous organizations, including the Quality Assurance Institute, Software Program Managers Network, International Function Point Users Group, and International Society of Parametric Analysts. Larry has delivered more than 27 speeches at conferences on software estimation and measurement, and has trained – over a five-year period – more than 1,000 software professionals in the use of the SLIM-Suite.
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Webinars Estimation Agile

Part III: How Does Duration Affect Productivity?

This week we turn to another question triggered by the Performance Benchmark Tables: how does duration affect productivity? To many managers, project schedule and cost are equally important. There are significant tradeoffs involved: if the project takes too long, important market opportunities may be lost. But adding people to compress the schedule can drive up cost dramatically. For this reason, QSM uses a productivity metric that explicitly accounts for duration: the Productivity Index (or PI). Unlike ratio based productivity measures, the PI is a three dimensional measure that adds duration to the traditional size/effort equation. It explicitly accounts for the distinctly non-linear relationships between size, effort, and time.  To see the benefits of this approach, let’s look at how project duration relates to simple (SLOC/effort) productivity.

Continue reading...


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Part II: Team Size and Productivity

In Part I of this series, we demonstrated that average productivity (effective size/effort) increases with project size. This relationship holds true across the size spectrum whether we’re talking about projects in the very small range or projects that deliver a million lines of code. Above this cutoff, the sample size is too small to be definitive.

But productivity isn't the only metric that increases with project size. On average, large projects use more effort, take longer, and use bigger teams.  How can these results be reconciled with previous studies which conclude that the large team strategy results in lower productivity? It would seem that we have a contradiction on our hands.


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The Size-Productivity Paradox, Part I

From time to time, questions from clients get us thinking:

After yesterday's Web presentation on the QSM Benchmarking Consortium, I went to your Web site and found the paper "Performance Benchmark Tables." I noticed the delivery rates in both SLOC/PM and FP/PM numbers increase as average project size increases. This seems counterintuitive: are the Performance Benchmark Tables correct?

That's a great question. Our data definitely shows an upward trend in productivity as application size increases. This is true whether we use measures like QSM's PI (productivity index) or ratio based productivity measures (SLOC or FP per person month of effort). The QSM industry benchmark trends behave similarly: as projects get larger, average productivity increases as well.

Paul Below recently took another look at productivity data using several popular statistical software packages. The question he was trying to answer was, “Does productivity (measured as SLOC/PM) always increase with system size, or could the size-productivity relationship actually behave differently in certain regions of the size spectrum?" To answer this question he used something called residuals to evaluate the size/productivity regression trend.

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Code Counters and Size Measurement

Regardless of which size measures (Effective SLOC, function points, objects, modules, etc.) your organization uses to measure software size, code counters provide a fast and easy way to measure developed functionality. If your organization uses Effective (new and modified) SLOC, the output from an automated code counter can generally be used "as is". If you use more abstract size measures (function points or requirements, for example), code counts can be used to calculated gearing factors such as average SLOC/FP or SLOC/requirement.

The QSM Code Counters page has been updated and extended to include both updated version information and additional code counters. Though QSM neither endorses nor recommends the use of any particular code counting tool, we hope the code counter page will be a useful resource that supports both size estimation and the collection of historical data.

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Benchmarking Software Sizing Estimation

QSM Database Update

It’s time to update QSM’s industry trends and we need your help! Contributing data ensures that the database reflects a wide spectrum of project types, languages, and development methods. It helps us conduct ground-breaking research and improve our suite of estimation, tracking, and benchmarking tools. Contributors benefit from the ability to sanity-check estimates, ongoing projects, and completed projects against the best industry trends in the business.

 We're validating over 400 new projects, but we can always use more – especially in the Real Time, Microcode, and Process Control application domains. So what do you need to do to ensure your firm is represented in the next trend line update? That’s easy! Simply send us your DataManager (.smp files) or completed SLIM-Control (.scw) workbooks. Here’s the recommended minimum data set:

  • Project Name
  • Status = “Completed” only – no estimates or in progress projects
  • Application type and sub-type (if applicable)
  • Phase 3 time. Can be calculated from the phase end/start date or entered as a value (e.g.: 3.2 months)
  • Phase 3 effort
  • Effective Size (the number of new and or modified functional size units used to measure the application – objects, SLOC, function points, database tables). Please include a gearing factor if the project was sized in something other than Source Lines of Code

Additional information allows us to perform more sophisticated queries:

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QSM News

Performance Benchmarking Tables

QSM consultant Paul Below has posted some quick performance benchmarking tables for IT, engineering class, and real time software.

The tables contain average values for the following metrics at various size increments:

Schedule (months)

Effort (Person Months)

Average Staff (FTE)

Mean Time to Defect (Days)


Two insights that jump out right away:

1. Application complexity is a big productivity driver. IT (Business) software solves relatively straightforward and well understood problems. As algorithmic complexity increases, average duration, effort, team size increase rapidly when compared to IT systems of the same size.

2. Small teams and small projects produce fewer defects. Projects over 100 effective (new and modified) source lines of code all averaged Mean Times to Defect of under one day. We see this over and over again in the QSM database: small projects with small teams consistently produce higher reliability at delivery.

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Using Control Bounds to Assess Ongoing Projects

When he created control charts in the 1920’s, Walter Shewhart was concerned with two types of mistakes:

  • Assuming common causes were special causes
  • Assuming special causes were common causes

Since it is not possible to make the rate of both of these mistakes go to zero, managers who want to minimize the risk of economic loss from both types of error often use some form of Statistical Process Control.

SLIM-Control control bounds


The control bounds in SLIM-Control perform a related, but not identical function.


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